Breathing Exercises

Control Pause Breathing

How to Measure Control Pause with Aimwell AYO BT+ Breathing Measurement and Exerciser

According to Dr. Buteyko, the Control Pause or the Buteyko-defined breath-hold time is an accurate and sensitive parameter that normally reflects the tissue oxygenation in the body at rest.

Research has also indicated a good correlation between CP, minute ventilation, and CO2 level in the body, such that if we know one of them, the other two can be more or less predicted.

How to Use AYO BT+ to Practice Reduced Breathing of Buteyko Method and ‘Calibrate’ Your Breathing

Reduced Breathing Exercise Protocol with AYO BT+

Nowadays, more and more people become aware of the benefits of Buteyko Reduced Breathing and practice the Method in an ever-increasing trend, among them from asthmatics to mental disorders and even elite athletes, just to name a few. However, there are a number of challenges to learning and practicing the Method. One is that there are limited qualified Buteyko Method practitioners, and the other is lacking an effective tool to assist the practice.
How to Use AYO BT+ to Practice Reduced Breathing of Buteyko Method and ‘Calibrate’ Your Breathing

How to Use AYO BT+ to Practice Reduced Breathing of Buteyko Method and ‘Calibrate’ Your Breathing

Buteyko Breathing Method has proven to be very effective for alleviating or even treating a wide range of chronic diseases, particularly asthma.

Aimwell’s AYO BT+ can accurately measure your breathing while you practice the Buteyko Method.    

breathing exercises

How to Unblock a Stuffy Nose with AYO Breathing Exercise Device

A blocked nose is one of the common physiological phenomena most of us experience from time to time, and according to research, at least 10% of people suffer from chronic nasal congestion of different severities.

But If you can naturally breathe with the 6&6 healthy breathing pattern whenever you are in a calm and resting condition, your breathing health will be enhanced, and so will your general health.

breathing exercises

How to Boost the Quality and Benefits of Meditation with AYO BT+

Good breathing during meditation would also help your mind to concentrate on breathing and shut down those stressful thoughts you might have, thus resulting in a better quality of meditation. AYO BT+ is particularly suited to help achieve advanced diaphragmatic breathing in meditation.

Diaphragmatic Breathing Training in Jogging with AYO BT Part 1


Commonly recommended training for the diaphragm requires you to lie on the floor with a book on the belly, or in a still position placing your hand on the belly. This exercise introduces how to use AYO BT to train diaphragmatic breathing in jogging with an Inspiratory focus.

Diaphragmatic Breathing Training in Jogging with AYO BT Part 2 


AYO BT not only can train inhalation, but it can also train exhalation, and inhalation + exhalation at the same time! This exercise introduces how to do these in jogging.

Pursed-lip Breathing Replacement with AYO BT


Pursed-lip breathing is a breathing technique where the lips are pursed to form a smaller airpath like a short straw which creates breathing resistance and back pressure during exhalation. When configured and adjusted properly, AYO BT can be used as an improved method for Pursed-lip Breathing. 

Asthmatics – Using AYO BT for High Intensity Interval Training


HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise separated from low intensity recovery periods. The actual exercise involved varies but commonly includes sprinting, cycling, rowing, rope jumping, resistance exercises, etc, with 10 – 30 minutes in duration.

Breath Conditioning with AYO BT Before Sleep – Breathing Exercises


We all need a night of good quality sleep to rest and recharge for what we will do the next day, and sleeping well is not only important to our work but also critical to our general health.


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