How well do you sleep? Most of us spend nearly 1/3 of our life in sleep. Indeed, we all need good quality sleep to rest and recharge for what we will do the next day, and sleeping well is not only important to our work but also critical to our general health. One of the key factors that may affect our sleep is how we breath conditioning during sleep. If you wake up in the morning having a blocked nose, a dry mouth, or feeling not refreshed and energised, the chances are that you over-breathed during sleep, either by mouth breathing or heavy nose breathing. Research has shown that over-breathing throughout the night will make sleeping quality poor, as over-breathing will not let our mind relax as would slow and gentle breathing. In addition, over-breathing will cause hyperventilation, resulting in chronic oxygen depletion in the tissues and organs of the body, hindering the body’s recovery work during sleep. Overbreathing could also cause snoring or even sleep apnea.

How to breathe well during sleep? There are many ways that could help us breathe better during sleep, such as not eating too full in dinner, not drinking alcohol before sleep, breathing through the nose during sleep, and meditation, just to name a few. One of the strategies is to have a good breathing habit throughout the day so that we will tend to breathe the same way while we are asleep. The rationale is that, although we can not consciously control our breathing during sleep, the way we breathe during the day will more or less influence how we breathe during sleep. To this end, there are many breathing exercises that could help us achieve a healthy breathing pattern. However, most of these exercises would require time, effort, and focus in order to gain good results. Here, we are introducing a simple yet effective way to condition your breathing just before sleep as an addition to many available exercises you might take.

breathe conditioning

How to condition your breathing for a good night of sleep with AYO BT? Similar to warm-up before doing a sports session, conditioning your breathing before sleep would help you breathe calmly and gently, it would also make your mind more relaxed, and as a result help make your breathing calm and gentle during sleep when you breathe involuntarily. AYO BT is a great tool to help you condition your breathing before sleep. It works by reducing the air inlet so that you can only feel comfortable if you breathe through your nose and breathe slowly.

A typical procedure is like this:

  • 30 – 45 minutes before sleep, wear AYO BT for sleep conditioning.
  • Adjust the BTi inlet toward a low setting. For example, for advanced nose breathers, Select Setting 0 to 1, for novice nose breathers, select setting 2 – 3.
  • Then wear the AYO BT for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • You could still do your normal things at that time of the evening, as wearing AYO BT does not require you to focus on your breathing like in medication, hence it would not affect your other routines making it very manageable timewise.
  • Keep relaxed while wearing ATO BT, remember this is the winding down phase of the day, the moment you deserve to enjoy after a full day of activities. If anything is left to be done, tomorrow is another day.
  • When time is up, it is also the time to go to bed and try to keep the same breathing as you did a moment ago with AYO BT.
  • Now enjoy your good night of sleep!

Related Article: How to Boost the Quality and Benefits of Meditation with AYO BT+