The Health Risk of Breathing in Silica Dust

Silica is a natural substance found in most rocks, sand, clay, and in products such as bricks and concrete. Some of the dust generated is known as respirable crystalline silica (RCS). This dust is invisibly fine, can reach deep inside the lungs, and can cause permanent lung damage before symptoms develop. Significant exposure to RCS can cause silicosis, which is irreversible and may continue to worsen even after exposure stops. Exposure can also cause other serious diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer.


The scarring of the lung tissue caused by RCS causes a loss of lung function, usually over a period of years. In the early disease stages, there are often no symptoms. However, shortness of breath can develop which can eventually impact the ability to walk even short distances.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

COPD is a long-term illness that develops gradually over several years. The lungs are permanently damaged making it difficult to breathe.

High-risk occupations

These include quarrying, slate works, foundries, potteries, stone working, construction (when cutting or breaking stone, concrete, or brick), and industries using silica flour to manufacture goods.

In some parts of Australia, one in four stone workers have silicosis because of silica dust.

Options for the Protection

  • Engineering Controls: Use automated cutting equipment as much as practicable.
  • Water suppression: Use tools that are fitted with water attachment as much as practicable.
  • Local Exhaust Ventilation: Use tools that are designed for local dust extraction as much as practicable.
  • Use effective Respiratory Protection Equipment (RPE)

What Kind of RPE Should Be Used?

RCS dust can accumulate when it goes deep into the lungs. So there is no safe limit of exposure when cutting stones is your daily work year after year. The safest way is to wear the highest protection RPE on a daily basis in addition to engineering control, water suppression, and local exhaust ventilation.

Powered Air-purifying Respirator (PAPR) is the best option for protection from silica dust compared with paper masks and Air-purifying Respirator (APR). This is because:

  • Paper masks have unreliable facial seals even though the mask may appear to fit well initially: the seals may break with facial movement and sweat, especially when doing tough physical jobs. While you concentrate on doing your jobs, it is unlikely you will mind your mask fitting to ensure there is no leak most of the time, leaving you vulnerable to hazardous dust.
  • Most APRs have better seals thanks to the elastomeric mask cushion. However, inevitably, leaks will still be present although less than in paper masks. Due to negative pressure inside the mask, dust can be sucked in through the small gaps. Besides, being non-powered means your lungs need to work harder to overcome the resistance of the filter. For physically demanding jobs, frequent breaks and rest are often needed.
  • PAPRs can provide more reliable protection: the pressure inside the mask is positive, meaning the air tends to be pushed out from inside the mask preventing outside dust from getting in. In addition, the blower in the PAPR does the hard work to suck the air through the filter without your extra effort to breathe, making your tough job easier, especially in hot conditions.

Why Aimwell AYO WX Around-neck Series PAPRs are Ideal RPEs for Stone Workers?

Due to high cost, heavy weight, bulky sizes, troublesome hose, belt, and difficulty to use and buy, PAPRs are less used by stone workers in situations where PAPRs would provide the best protection.

Not anymore, AYO WX can remove all these obstacles.

Invented, designed, and fine-tuned in Australia, AYO WX HFM Half-Face Mask PAPR System is a state-of-the-art PAPR that stands out from the rest in that:

  • It has a very high protection factor: PAPR P3
  • It has a very high fit factor: demonstrated by superb results from PortaCount Fit Testing.
  • The around-neck structure eliminates hassles associated with hoses and belts, while being compatible with common PPEs, such as hard hats, goggles, earmuffs, etc.
  • Lightweight and low-profile: Easier for doing tough jobs.
  • It is very comfortable to breathe: thanks to the breath-responsive airflow control.
  • Long battery life: 8 – 16 hours per full charge.
  • Very long service life: Battery replaceable.
  • Very easy to operate, clean, and maintain.
  • Designed for flush-wash after use in heavy dust.
  • Very low running costs: With low-cost pleated pre-filter, no need to change the higher-cost HEPA filter frequently.
  • Very affordable price – a faction of most PAPRs on the market.

In short, Aimwell AYO WX Around-neck series PAPRs are the only PAPRs to date that are finally within reach by most stone workers.

Quick Steps to Use AYO WX HFM Half-Face Mask PAPR System

  • Charge the battery before use.
  • Fit the mask assembly first and tighten the strap at the back of the neck.
  • Remove the Guard Link from the Main Unit, wake it up by pressing its On/Off button, then slide the Main Unit down against the back of your head until it rests on the two supporting hooks of the head strap.
  • Push-fit the mask to each end of the Main Unit.
  • Pull the buckles of the head strap over the rubber neck pad.
  • Then breathe and off you go!
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