Case Study – Running Cost Comparison Between a NAPR and an AYO WX HFM PAPR

Case Study – Running Cost Comparison Between a NAPR and an AYO WX HFM PAPR

从性能角度来看,具有弹性面罩的自吸式空气净化呼吸器(NAPR)可以实现比N95一次性纸口罩更好的密封,从而实现更好的防护。 此外,它的滤芯通常不会受到呼气影响,并且可以设计实现更高的容尘量,因此可以使用更长时间。

自吸式呼吸器的另一个特点是它可重复使用,从长远来看更节省成本,而且更环保。 因此,自吸式呼吸器的市场份额不断上升也就不足为奇了。

然而, 对于电动空气净化呼吸器 (PAPR),, especially tight-fitting PAPRs, apart from being elastomeric, they offer better protection by design, as the pressure inside the breathing zone is positive, and they are also more comfortable to breathe.

研究表明,2022 年 自吸式呼吸器 市场规模超过 95 亿美元,而 PAPR 市场规模为 24 亿美元。 假设平均 自吸式呼吸器为 每套50 美元,平均 PAPR 为 1000 美元(大致正确),这表明其比率为 79:1,这意味着对于 79 个 自吸式呼吸器用户,只有一个 PAPR 用户。 因此PAPR还有更大的增长空间。

In fact, the industry trend is heading for more workers to move up from NAPRs toward PAPRs for better protection. For example, in Australia, the exposure limit for welding fumes is reduced from 5mg/m3 to 1mg/m3, and this almost certainly will demand the use of PAPRs in many welding sites.

However, most PAPRs are much more expensive than NAPRs, and they are also bulky, heavy, and troublesome to use and maintain, and these are the key inhibitors of their adoption. Therefore, it is easy to comprehend that there are more users of NAPRs than PAPRs.

To allow widespread workers to be able to take advantage of the improved protection from PAPR technology, Aimwell invented, designed, and optimized AYO WX HFM Half-Face Mask PAPR System, and we believe it can not only significantly enhance respiratory protection, but can also cost less within 12 months of use compared with typical NAPRs when doing daily dusty work, such as stonework.


自吸式呼吸器参考对象:带有 2135 P2/P3 颗粒过滤器的 3M 6200。

Comparing PAPR: AYO WX HFM Half-Face Mask PAPR System with pleated pre-filter and PAPR P3 HEPA filter.


  • 3M 2135 P2/P3 过滤器:每 5 天一次
  • AYO WX 打褶预过滤器:每2 天一次。
  • AYO WX主滤芯:每 20 天一次。



  • At initial purchase, the 3M 6200/2135 system costs $70 versus $559 of AYO WX HFM PAPR.
  • 由于2135颗粒过滤器的设计,没有可以廉价更换的预过滤器。 因此,每5个工作日就需要更换整对过滤器。
  • In contrary, AYO WX HFM PAPR has a unique low-cost pleated pre-filter that can capture larger particles with reasonable dust-loading capacity and protect the HEPA filter. As a result, the HEPA filter can last longer while the pleated prefilter can be changed often at a very low cost.
  • At 12 months of use, the total cost of use for AYO WX HFM PAPR is $1,163 versus $1,245 for the 3M 6200/2135 system.


  • The above comparison is based on the RRP for one AYO WX HFM Half-face Mask PAPR System. For large organizations with higher order quantity, the unit price will be lower than the RRP, thus the ‘breakeven’ time will be shorter accordingly.
  • Being a PAPR, AYO WX HFM PAPR is more comfortable to breathe, especially for long working hours.
  • Being a PAPR, AYO WX HFM can tolerate some facial leaks, but being a NAPR, the protection of 3M 6200/2135 is highly sensitive to facial leaks.
  • A non-clean-shaven person shall not use a NAPR. However, a person with a short beard may use AYO WX HFM PAPR and still achieve good protection even better than most loose-fitting PAPRs.
  • With patented technology, AYO WX HFM PAPR achieves a great wearability similar to common NAPRs. This is dramatically different from most common PAPRs which are bulky and heavy, with poor mobility.

For daily work in highly dusty environments, AYO WX HFM Half-Face Mask PAPR System can not only provide better and more reliable protection than a typical NAPR but also costs less after using for 1 year, in addition to being more comfortable to breathe, making AYO WX HFM PAPR a perfect upgrade from common NAPRs for many industrial respiratory protection applications.



Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) for beards


这里,“呼吸器”可以分为 空气净化呼吸器(APR) 和 动力空气净化呼吸器(PAPR)。

就 PAPR 而言,有紧密贴合型PAPR 和宽松贴合型PAPR两种。

这里,“紧密贴合”是指呼吸器和皮肤之间的面部紧密密封,设计目的是为了无泄漏; “宽松贴合”是指呼吸器和皮肤之间有意设计的非严密密封,以放宽贴合要求,允许少量泄漏。


Except for Loose-fitting PAPRs, clean-shaven is the common requirement for wearing a tight-fitting respirator, especially a paper mask or an APR.


you want all the hazardous contaminants to be blocked by the filter media with the mask or respirator. To ensure that, you want to ensure no gap between the mask/respirator and your facial skin. With facial hair, such as a beard, your mask or the respirator cushion will contact your beard first instead of your skin, leaving a gap for the contaminants to bypass the filter media to be sucked under negative pressure in the mask during inhalation.


宽松贴合型 PAPR 适合有胡须的人配戴,是这样吗?

宽松贴合型 PAPR 的设计不依赖紧密密封实现保护,而是依靠 PAPR 中的鼓风机向呼吸区域提供过滤后的空气。

但为了能按这个方法正确的工作,鼓风机需要产生可供佩戴者呼吸的所有气量,如果这种 PAPR 能够实现这一点,那么是的,它确实适用于有胡须的或者有面部毛发的佩戴者。

Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) for bearded people

然而,这里可能存在误解,认为宽松贴合型 PAPR 完全适用于有胡须的佩戴者,而不考虑其局限性。事实上,其适用程度是很受条件限制的,并且在应用中可能会受多个因素的制约,例如:

  • 面部毛发有多长以及其分布的位置?
  • 所使用的宽松贴合型PAPR 的鼓风能力有多强?
  • 如何控制气流?内置电池电量低时流量会变少吗?
  • 体力劳动对您呼吸的负荷有多大?
  • 污染物的浓度有多大?
  • 污染物的最大暴露限值是多少?

Most of these factors are related to the single most essential characteristic of PAPRs: Positive Pressure in the mask/breathing zone. As long as positive pressure is maintained all the time, there will be no leak issue from facial hair, as the air tends to be pushed out of the mask instead of being sucked in.



因此,PAPR 的设计应使其产生的流量大于佩戴者可吸入的流量再加上经宽松贴合部位可能泄漏的流量。


可现实情况是,PAPR 可以产生的最大流量是有限的,并且当使用一定时间电池电量变低时,其流量也会低于初始水平。


On the other hand, if your job is highly physical and causes heavy breathing, your inhaled air could outrun what the blower can deliver.

另一方面,如果您的工作是高强度体力劳动会使你深度用力呼吸,您吸入的气量可能会超过鼓风机所能输出的气量。 另一个需要考虑的重要因素是做某些工作时对 PAPR 的保护系数要求。污染物的浓度和最大暴露限值将决定 PAPR 的最小防护系数。通常,宽松贴合型 PAPR 的防护系数比紧密贴合 PAPR的 低。当污染物暴露限值要求 PAPR 具有高防护系数时,宽松的 PAPR 可能就不适合了,无论您是否有胡须。

因此,为了确保所选宽松贴合型PAPR 适合某种作业,特别是对有胡须的人,需要根据具体情况进行仔细评估。  

紧密贴合型 PAPR 可以用于有胡须的人吗?

当鼓风机的流量、所使用的过滤器和系统泄漏量相当时,紧密贴合型 PAPR通常比宽松贴合型PAPR具有更高的防护系数。

紧密贴合型 PAPR 在相对较小的区域内具有较好的密封性,而宽松贴合型 PAPR 在相当大的区域内只具有部分密封性,这使得紧密贴合型 PAPA 的泄漏比宽松贴合型 PAPR 的泄漏要少得多,因此紧密贴合型PAPR具有更高的防护系数。

Typically, a tight-fitting mask is made of soft silicone rubber contacting the front of the face, and it is elastic enough to adapt to the contour of the face to achieve a good seal. In contrast, a loose-fitting covering typically uses elasticized fabric at the contact interface, and it may cover a much larger area, such as the head, the face, and the neck, than only the front of the face.

A tight-fitting PAPR has a much better seal over a relatively small area, whereas a loose-fitting PAPR has a partial seal over a rather large area, resulting in the leak from tight-fitting PAPAs being much less than from the loose-fitting PAPRs, hence the tight-fitting PAPRs have higher protection factor.

Now, if the beard is short enough such that the silicone cushion from the tight-fitting PAPR can still achieve a better seal than loose-fitting PAPRs, there is no reason why the tight-fitting PAPR can’t work as effectively if not better than a loose-fitting PAPR, given the loose-fitting covering has more leaks.

As an example, AYO WX HFM Standard Half-Face Mask PAPR System, which has a well-designed silicone facial cushion, was tested on a light-beard person achieving an average PortaCount fit factor over 2000 when powered on, similar to a clean-shave person under the same test conditions. The key reasons AYO WX PAPR can achieve this are due to its powerful peak flow of over 200 L/min, which is similar to most loose-fitting PAPRs, and also due to its positive pressure ensured by the responsive flow control that can quickly accelerate the blower output anytime when the inhalation increases.


Having said that, loose-fitting PAPRs are not suitable for high-exertion work with heavy breathing, as once the breathing outruns the blower, negative pressure will be created in the breathing zone, causing leaks to contaminants. In this situation, a tight-fitting PAPR is more appropriate, and loose-fitting PAPRs are normally limited to light to moderate workloads.


  • 佩戴负压呼吸器时,必须将胡须刮干净。
  • 即使您佩戴 PAPR,也应尽可能将胡子刮干净。
  • 如果您必须保留胡须,则必须使用 PAPR 并确保:
  • 为了你的肺和你所爱的人的缘故,把胡须修剪到最少。
  • Use for works with light to moderate exertion.
  • 使用 PAPR 前请将电池充满电。
  • 避免使用堵塞的过滤器——要经常更换过滤芯。
  • 尽量选用可以产生较大气流的 PAPR。
  • 尽量选用具有较小泄漏和设计优良的弹性脸衬的 PAPR。
  • Try to use a PAPR with powerful and intelligent breath-responsive flow control like an AYO WX.

How to Protect from Silica Dust Effectively



二氧化硅是一种天然物质,存在于大多数岩石、沙子、粘土以及砖和混凝土等产品中。产生的一些粉尘被称为可吸入结晶二氧化硅 (RCS)。这种粉尘细小得看不见,可以深入肺部,在症状出现之前就可能造成永久性肺部损伤。大量接触 RCS 会导致矽肺,这是不可逆的,即使停止接触后也可能继续恶化。接触该物质还可能导致其他严重疾病,例如慢性阻塞性肺病 (COPD) 和肺癌。


RCS 引起的肺组织疤痕会导致肺功能丧失,通常会持续数年。在疾病的早期阶段,通常没有任何症状。但可能会出现呼吸短促,最终影响短距离行走的能力。







  • 工程控制:尽可能使用自动切割设备。
  • 水抑制:尽可能使用带有喷水附件的工具。
  • 局部排气通风:尽可能使用专为局部除尘而设计的工具。
  • 使用有效的呼吸防护设备 (RPE)

应使用哪种 RPE?

RCS 粉尘深入肺部后会积聚。因此,当切割石材成为您年复一年的日常工作时,就没有所谓安全限量了。最安全的方法是除了工程控制、水抑制、局部排气通风外,还需要日常佩戴防护等级最高的RPE。

电动送风空气净化呼吸器 (PAPR) 与纸质口罩和空气净化呼吸器 (APR) 相比,是防护二氧化硅粉尘的最佳选择。 这是因为:

  • 纸质口罩的面部密封不可靠,尽管口罩最初可能看起来很密封:但密封性可能会随着面部运动和出汗而降低,尤其是在进行艰苦的体力工作时。当您专注于工作时,您不太可能会注意面罩佩戴的状况以确保不会泄漏,这样您就容易受到有害灰尘的侵害。
  • Most APRs have better seals thanks to the elastomeric mask cushion. However, inevitably, leaks will still be present although less than in paper masks. Due to negative pressure inside the mask, dust can be sucked in through the small gaps. Besides, being non-powered means your lungs need to work harder to overcome the resistance of the filter. For physically demanding jobs, frequent breaks and rest are often needed.
  • PAPRs can provide more reliable protection: the pressure inside the mask is positive, meaning the air tends to be pushed out from inside the mask preventing outside dust from getting in. In addition, the blower in the PAPR does the hard work to suck the air through the filter without your extra effort to breathe, making your tough job easier, especially in hot conditions.

Why Aimwell AYO WX Around-neck Series PAPRs are Ideal RPEs for Stone Workers?

由于成本高、重量重、体积大、气管的不便、腰带带来的麻烦,以及使用和购买时的困难,PAPR 虽然 能提供很好的保护但石材工人确很少使用。

现在不同了,AYO WX 可以消除所有这些障碍。

Invented, designed, and fine-tuned in Australia, AYO WX HFM Half-Face Mask PAPR System is a state-of-the-art PAPR that stands out from the rest in that:

  • 具有最高的防护等级:PAPR P3
  • It has a very high fit factor: demonstrated by superb results from PortaCount Fit Testing.
  • The around-neck structure eliminates hassles associated with hoses and belts, while being compatible with common PPEs, such as hard hats, goggles, earmuffs, etc.
  • 重量轻、尺寸小:适合体力工作。
  • It is very comfortable to breathe: thanks to the breath-responsive airflow control.
  • 电池续航能力长:每次充满电可使用 8 – 16 小时。
  • 使用寿命长:可更换电池。
  • 非常易于操作、清洁和维护
  • 可用水冲洗,适合高粉尘场合应用。
  • 运行成本低:采用低成本的打褶式预过滤器,无需频繁更换成本较高的 HEPA高效 过滤器。
  • 价格非常实惠— 是市场上大多数 PAPR 价格的 的几分之一。

In short, Aimwell AYO WX Around-neck series PAPRs are the only PAPRs to date that are finally within reach by most stone workers.

Quick Steps to Use AYO WX HFM Half-Face Mask PAPR System

  • 使用前给电池充电。
  • 首先将面罩组件戴在脸上,然后拉紧颈后的带子。
  • Remove the Guard Link from the Main Unit, wake it up by pressing its On/Off button, then slide the Main Unit down against the back of your head until it rests on the two supporting hooks of the head strap.
  • 将面罩推入主机的两端。
  • 将头带的带扣拉到橡胶颈垫上。
  • 然后呼吸,然后出发!

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