How to Prevent Coughing When Jogging in Cold Air

As a regular jogger, I run a few times in the morning each week, and I found myself coughing lately when the temperature went below 12°C. The cough was more persistent within 30 minutes after the run, and some mucus came out occasionally with the cough. But after that, the cough would disappear, and I would feel quite normal.

Then I realized it must have something to do with cold air. So I decided to do some experiments by wearing the elastomeric exercise mask AYO HC in my run.

Here is the summary result so far:

Date Temperature Distance/Pace AYO HC Coughing Status
Day 1 11°C 5.4K/6:02/km No Yes
Day 2 8°C 4K/6:20/km Yes No
Day 3 7°C 7.1K/5:55/km Yes No
Day 4 9°C 10.8K/6:11/km Yes No
Day 5 3°C 7.1K/5.51/km Yes No

It is very convincing that AYO HC helped me stop the cough.

Here are my thoughts:

  • For some reason (God only knows) I have mucus in my throat that becomes irritated with cold air.
  • During jogging, breathing volume increases, passing more cold air through my airways and making them drier, irritating, and making me cough.
  • When I wear AYO HC, it warms the air before it travels into my airways, and it also brings in the moisture accumulated from my previous breaths.
  • This makes the mucus less irritating. Even better, it dilutes the mucus making it flow out of my nose/mouth naturally removing the source of irritant without coughing!!
  • When we exercise in cold windy conditions, we would put on hoodies to keep our upper body and head warm, tights to keep our legs and knees warm, and gloves to keep our hands warm. However, we often forget about our more sensitive airways!!
  • It is logical and makes perfect sense to wear a proper mask to shield the cold wind from going straight into our airways, to warm and moisten the air before breathing in.

I think many people like me may benefit by wearing AYO HC too in this situation, especially for asthmatics and people with COPD symptoms.

So I recommend that people with sensitive and vulnerable respiratory systems wear AYO HC when exercising outdoors if the air is cold and windy.

AYO HC can also protect you in case of air pollution from wood or coal burning that typically occurs in winter, as AYO HC is a P2 / N95 medical-grade respirator. Due to its low-profile design, great field of view, and elastomeric reusable nature, AYO HC is suitable for many outdoor exercises, such as jogging, cycling, and walking.

Now, you may wonder how I dealt with the mucus flowing out of my nose and mouth when I wore the mask?

I lipped it and swallowed it back to my stomach!!

Gross? I would rather do that than coughing or spitting 😊


About the author:
Eric Fu, founder of Aimwell, exercise enthusiast.

What to Wear for Respiratory Protection in Physical Exercises



体育锻炼是人类生活的组成部分,人人都需要,无论您是职业运动员还是周末运动爱好者,是年轻人还是老年人, 是健康人还是病人。



  • 在传染病大流行期间或流感季节在健身房锻炼。
  • 在有空气污染的城市环境跑步、步行和骑自行车。
  • 在丛林火灾季节跑步、步行和骑自行车。
  • 哮喘患者在花粉季节进行户外锻炼。
  • 哮喘患者在寒冷干燥的冬季做户外锻炼。


  • 至少 N95/P2 过滤级别。
  • 可靠的面部密封。
  • 符合相关呼吸保护器行业标准。
  • 面罩不受呼吸潮气、汗水和冷凝的影响。
  • 可重复使用且易于清洗和清洁。
  • 良好的视野。
  • 良好的可穿戴性和机动性。


Under Armour 运动面罩


  • 这是一种由合成纤维材料制成的口罩。
  • 不能防止病毒/不符合任何呼吸保护器标准。
  • 呼吸阻力会随着呼吸中的潮气、出汗和冷凝而增加。


RESPRO Sportsta™ Mask


  • 呼吸阻力会随着呼吸中的潮气、出汗和冷凝而增加。
  • 由于面罩是织物性质的,所以面部密封不可靠。
  • 不符合任何呼吸保护器标准。


Reusable Respirator AYO HC – The True Sports/Exercise Mask


AYO HC 的概念始于 2020 年中期 COVID-19 大流行的高峰期。出于对医护人员提供更好呼吸保护的需求,自 2020 年以来,我们花了 3 年多的时间开发并严格测试了世界上第一款医疗保健可重复使用呼吸保护器 AYO HC。

AYO HC 通过了 澳大利亚、新西兰呼吸器标准 AS/NZS 1716 P2 的认证,以及中国国标GB 2626的认证,其防护效果比一次性 N95 口罩至少好 50 倍。


sports mask and exercise mask


  • 内置进气阀,保护主过滤芯免受呼吸潮气、汗水和冷凝的影响。
  • 面部小巧且视野开阔 - 适合运动。
  • 透明硅胶面罩 – 佩戴舒适、便于沟通。
  • 内置传声膜 - 方便讲话。
  • 易于清洁和消毒。
  • 避免冬天冷风直吹口鼻,并将冷和干的空气加温/加湿 - 对哮喘患者尤为重要。

AYO HC是全球唯一 一款真正的运动口罩,是您体育锻炼中呼吸防护的最佳选择。

AYO HC Reusable Respirator – A New Standard in Respirator Protection for Sports and Physical Exercises.

AYO HC Respirator – A New Standard in Respiratory Infection Protection

AYO HC可重复使用呼吸保护器 – 呼吸传染防护的新标准


从呼吸保护的角度来看,外科口罩仅适用于防止护理人员的飞沫传播给受护理的患者,并不能有效地避免护理人员(或任何佩戴者)被其护理的患者经空气传播的传染。 N95一次性口罩保护佩戴者效果会好一些,但防护并不可靠,尤其是如果佩戴不当,在使用过程中说话、出汗、面部运动等情况下很容易出现面部漏气,这是口罩材料固有的问题。无纺布,因为没有弹性,无法满足密封人脸轮廓所需要的柔性贴合度。


respiratory mask dust protection seal

不过,在新冠肺炎高峰期,我们确实看到一些医护人员佩戴为工业应用设计的由弹性面罩材料制作的自吸式呼吸保护器(NAPR)。事实上,工业 NAPR 比 一次性N95 口罩大大改善了面部密封性,而且它们也可以重复使用,但是,由于它们是为工业应用而设计的,因此并不适合医疗保健及民用环境。


  • 不易清洁和消毒以满足在医疗机构中重复使用的需要。
  • 没有呼气过滤以阻止携带病毒的飞沫扩散。
  • 无法看到口形变化和面部表情,影响与患者的正常交流。
  • 无内置传声膜,影响正常语音交流。
  • 过滤盒体积大并设在面罩前面,使呼吸器在面部凸起较多,影响视力和正常操作。
industrial elastomeric non-powered air-purifying respirators (NAPR)

认识到医疗保健领域需要更适合的呼吸保护器的需求,总部位于悉尼的澳大利亚呼吸设备制造商 Aimwell 自 2020 年中期花了 超过3 年多时间构想、研发和严格测试世界上第一款 healthcare reusable respirator AYO HC.


  • 工业级保护,非工业领域应用。
  • 防护效果比 N95 口罩至少高 50 倍。
  • 具备佩戴者飞沫过滤功能。
  • 面部小巧且视野开阔。
  • 透明硅胶面罩 - 佩戴舒适、便于沟通。
  • 内置传声膜,方便讲话。
  • 易于清洁和消毒。
  • 模块化呼吸器结构专利,推入连接和扭转断开,方便使用。
  • 未来可望升级到 AYO HC 电动送风版。


  • 增强医疗保健环境中对新冠病毒或类似空气传播疾病的防护。
  • 可靠预防花粉、灰尘和空气污染引发的哮喘发作和慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)重症化。
  • 滤芯使用寿命长,运行成本低。
  • 可重复使用且环保。

AYO HC:世界上第一款医疗保健可重复使用呼吸保护器 – 给你真正可靠的保护

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