Fit Summit Singapore 2023

FIT Summit is the business network for health, fitness, wellness industry, with a global reach and a special focus on the Asia-Pacific region. We represent multiple industry pillars: fitness, wellness, corporate wellness, hospitality/spa, health and sports. 

The 2023 edition of Singapore’s highly anticipated World Health, Fitness and Wellness Festival. Our team had the privilege to participate in this extraordinary event, and we’re excited to recount the vibrant experience that inspired and invigorated us.

As a company committed to staying at the forefront of innovation, we had the opportunity to present Aimwell’s AYO Breathing Trainers.

Moreover, the tradeshow featured enlightening talks by renowned experts in breathwork and holistic health. 

Fitness + Wellness Australia

Fitness + Wellness Australia is Australia’s largest trade show and conference. It is the ideal destination for anyone serious about their career, business, and facilities.

FWA’22 is the place to go if you own a fitness center, a boutique studio, or manage a leisure facility, or if you want to connect with other professionals.

Fitness + Wellness Australia is Australia’s largest trade show and conference. It is the ideal destination for anyone serious about their career, business, and facilities.


  • 面部小巧且视野开阔。
  • 透明硅胶面罩 - 佩戴舒适、便于沟通。
  • 内置传声膜,方便讲话。

  • 具备佩戴者飞沫过滤功能 - 这是工业自吸式呼吸保护器 (NAPR) 的缺陷
  • 模块化呼吸器结构专利,推入连接和扭转断开,方便使用。

比 N95 一次性口罩保护效果更好


  • 密封不严,即使看起来密封还可以,实际应用还是不够可靠。
  • 一次性N95 口罩受限于面部实际过流面积,滤材不能级别过高,否则增加呼吸阻力, 影响正常使用。
  • 呼气中的潮气降低过滤效率,增加呼吸阻力。

AYO HC 实现优异的密封贴合度的方式

  • 采用柔软的硅胶材料做面罩,并以大、中、小3种面罩尺寸专门为3种头型大小设计,可适合99.7%的人脸轮廓。这就比一次性口罩大大提高了密封贴和度。
  • 脸衬的设计也很独特,有较大的弹性范围,而且做得很薄,这就使面罩和脸的密封贴合度进一步增强。
  • 总体贴合度系数超过2000,比N95级别高20倍。



AYO HC 实现更高过滤效率的方式

  • 采用比N95更高级别的过滤材料做主滤芯,对0.3um及以上颗粒物过滤效率>99.9%,相比N95标准的94%,达到比N95级别高50倍的防护效果。
  • 同时,滤芯采用滤材打褶方式,这使实际有效过流面积大大增加,虽然滤材级别提高了,但气流阻力仍然可以控制在可接受范围内,而且滤芯的外围尺寸仍可保持小巧。
HCi – Inlet Assembly - excluding filter



AYO HC 避免潮气降低过滤效率的方式


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