How Does the Aimwell AYO WX FFM-LF Loose-Fitting Full-Face Mask PAPR System Compare with the 3M Versaflo System?
Higher protection, Longer battery life, Half the weight, Better wearability and mobility, Easier maintenance, 1/3 of the cost
How Does Aimwell AYO WX FFM-LF Loose-Fitting Full-Face Mask PAPR System Compare with Other Full-Face PAPR Brands?
How Does Aimwell AYO WX HFM-W Welding Half-face Mask PAPR System Compare with the 3M Speedglas + Adflo System?
How Does Aimwell AYO WX HFM Standard Half Face Mask PAPR System Compare with Other Half Face Mask PAPR Brands?
Can Facepieces be Loose-fitting?
Facepieces don’t have to be tight-fitting to provide good protection. Powered respirators normally rely on generating positive pressure in the facepieces to achieve protection. Even AS/NZS 1715:2009 acknowledges that positive pressure RPE may diminish the effect of poor facial fit.
Read more here.
What is Around-neck AYO WX PAPR Series Good About
Equipped with a world-leading breath-responsive flow control technology, the AYO WX PAPR series is capable of producing over 200 L/min peak flow when needed, yet it can work efficiently for up to 16 hours with a much smaller and lighter battery than in those of constant flow PAPRs.
Click to read more about each category and find the best PAPR style for your needs.
呼吸感应呼吸器 AYO WX HFM-W Welding Half-Face Mask PAPR P3 通过其卓越功能提供无与伦比的焊接烟雾防护。
防护系数超过 2000(PAPR P3),远远超过 N95 口罩和宽松的 PAPR;它与大多数焊接头盔兼容,为寻求呼吸保护的焊工提供便利,而不会损害现有设备。
二氧化硅粉尘,特别是可吸入结晶二氧化硅 (RCS)粉尘,会对从事建筑、采石和石材加工等行业的人员构成严重威胁。
保护措施从工程控制到呼吸保护设备有一系列选择方案。 动力空气净化呼吸器 (PAPR) 是常见呼吸器类型中的最佳选择。 了解更多信息并了解为什么 AYO WX PAPR 是二氧化硅粉尘防护的理想选择。 AYO WX Standard Half Face Mask PAPR is ideal for silica dust protection.
The ‘respirator’ can be categorized as an Air Purifying Respirator (APR) and a 动力空气净化呼吸器(PAPR).
案例分析 – 自吸式呼吸器 和 AYO WX PAPR 之间的运行成本比较
对于高粉尘环境下的日常工作, AYO WX PAPR 不仅可以提供比典型的 NAPR 更好、更可靠的保护,而且使用一年后成本更低,呼吸也更舒适,使 AYO WX PAPR 成为许多防尘应用领域中普通 NAPR 的完美升级。
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